How do we protect your privacy?
These pages were created by Dave from Libraries Hacked. You can email me with any questions.
This site is hosted using GitHub pages. Although we don't store any personal data it is important to be aware that website hosting providers can log web traffic that could include information such as your IP address.
GitHub has its own privacy statement. The majority of this is about unrelated logged-in services within GitHub, but there is a reference to GitHub pages. In addition to advising that GitHub pages sites should have their own privacy policy (i.e. this one), it says that logs of visitor IP addresses can be used for security purposes. This does not include user tracking or marketing. A quote of this is displayed below, but a maintained version will be on the GitHub site.
“Please note that GitHub may collect Technical Information from visitors to your GitHub Pages website, including logs of visitor IP addresses, to maintain the security and integrity of the website and service.”
There are no marketing or analytics trackers on this website. We do not store your personal or usage data.
The main search page optionally includes a postcode in order to prioritise library services close to the entered postcode.
A postcode can be personally identifiable. The postcode you enter is not stored, either in this site, or in the postcode service used to perform the lookup. This is another Libraries Hacked service, the Geography API. The postcode is sent to that service over HTTPS encryption, so it is secure during transmission.